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Specialized Polygraphy Services

Cursos de Poligrafia, Exámenes de Poligrafia, Prueba de Poligrafo, Preempleo, Rutina, Especifico, Investigaciones, Peritos en Poligrafia, Quallity Control, Poligrafo Medellín Bogota Cali Barranquilla Uraba



This technical interview and polygraph test is a careful exploration of the candidate, in order to validate the information provided throughout the selection process, and from there to see his honesty with his future employer.

The Polygraph is a means that allows timely detection of situations that in the future may generate a threat, risk or vulnerability when hiring a candidate who has a history of disloyalty towards their previous employers or commission of crimes such as:

  • Kidnapping

  • Extortion

  • Stole

  • frauds

  • sale of illegal drugs

  • Release of Confidential Information

We understand then that this Pre-employment Polygraph test is a Preventive Security action that will help to prevent in a timely manner the materialization of events that threaten the assets and people of a company, at no time will labor or academic competencies be validated with the polygraph.


Cursos de Poligrafia, Exámenes de Poligrafia, Prueba de Poligrafo, Preempleo, Rutina, Especifico, Investigaciones, Peritos en Poligrafia, Quallity Control, Poligrafo Medellín Bogota Cali Barranquilla Uraba



The routine polygraph exam is designed to detect dishonest employees. It is an excellent loss prevention program; In this program, employees are usually randomly chosen monthly to pass a polygraph exam, where they will explore different acts that company personnel may be carrying out, not necessarily the examinee himself, so that the polygraph examination as a space for confidential communication, in which information about the possible commission of dishonest acts such as:


  • Internal theft.

  • Industrial Espionage.

  • Vandalism or intentional destruction.

  • Sabotage of internal procedures.

  • Fake Casualties

  • Inefficiency at work.

  • Computer fraud.

  • Work absenteeism.

  • money laundering

  • Leakage of confidential information.

  • Disclosure of business secret.

Cursos de Poligrafia, Exámenes de Poligrafia, Prueba de Poligrafo, Preempleo, Rutina, Especifico, Investigaciones, Peritos en Poligrafia, Quallity Control, Poligrafo Medellín Bogota Cali Barranquilla Uraba



On a day-to-day basis, we can be affected by events that affect our assets, integrity, rights and freedoms; People who witnessed them arise around said events and, under a correct technical interview and polygraph examination, they can be a crucial source of information to detect the participants or co-participants in the events.

The Specific Polygraph Examination is an ideal means of validating the reliability of testimonies that will allow directing an investigative process, where said testimonies could be the support for the initiation of a criminal action under the concept of evidence.

This polygraph exam is gradually entering the Colombian legal system as Expert Evidence, especially with the entry into force of the Adversarial System  where "scientific and novel evidence" can be assessed by the judge of the case or by the judicial police officers, who will be able to direct their activity in a precise manner by validating witnesses or suspects in a scientifically effective manner.

Scientific polygraphy

It is scientifically proven that a polygraph evaluation, when conducted by a competent and well-trained examiner, using validated protocols and techniques, as well as validated evaluation systems, is the most effective means known to science for determining the veracity of testimony.

Ultra-sensitive scientific medical instrument, capable of simultaneously recording Neuropsychophysiological responses, such as memory that, from the theory of cognitive psychology, leaves its mark on our brain, generally reflected in activation of the cerebral cortex, the Limbic system (Hippocampus and Amygidal areas) Emotional Memory where We store this type of memory, either positive, such as the birth of a child, or negative, such as having committed a crime, and how these memories make us react through our physiological system, such as sudden changes in blood pressure, heart rate, changes in respiratory cycles and galvanic response or electrodermal inductance, when finding a memory (stimulus) that is being evoked by means of a question.


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It also has the ability to measure parameters such as the movement of the examinee, the intake of substances that alter physiological responses (Alcohol or Illicit Drugs) with a view to the possibility of carrying out the assessment.

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